
The GM CSD is proud to provide our district with pure, clean, and great tasting water from deep fractured granite aquifers. The district's domestic water system includes three producing wells, two 140,000-gallon water storage tanks, and a distribution system including both gravity fed and pressurized connection to our customers.
The quality of our GM water is excellent and requires no specialized treatment. The CSD constantly monitors water quality in accordance with state regulations and provides notification to all customers on the rare occasion that tests for any contaminants exceed state defined levels.
The system put in place by the original developer consists of the two large "mid altitude" storage tanks located at an elevation of 5,170 feet above sea level. These tanks provide water through a distribution system of gravity fed connections to approximately 65% of GM home sites/lots, and a series of pumping stations and connections to serve the remaining 35% of home sites/lots. We are pleased that the existing system provides steady pressure to the highest of home sites/lots, some exceeding 5,800 feet in elevation.
We provide water through three wells drawing their water from deep (600' to 800') fractured granite aquifers. CSD water production serves the domestic needs of all current developed GM homes sites/lots and the district's commercial customers. Our CSD staff is very experienced with tracking water production and managing pumping to allow the wells to recharge and maintain natural hydrologic functions.
The Nakoma Resort is the CSD's largest customer for domestic water, however Nakoma maintains its own private wells for golf course irrigation.
Future Outlook
While the existing domestic water infrastructure is capable of meeting current peak community demands, the CSD understands that the domestic water infrastructure will need to be increased to meet requirements at full buildout. The CSD maintains a professionally engineered "trigger point" study that allows us to keep capacity ahead of demand. We are currently in the process of developing two new wells with plans to have a fourth well online during the 2020 summer season, and a fifth well within the next few years. Longer term plans include installing a new higher elevation water tank in the district to increase overall storage capacity, provide for additional gravity flow connections, and to increase flow rates for district fire hydrants. The CSD also has room in our existing tank farm to eventually install another large capacity storage tank to support future growth.