Firewise Community
The mission of the Gold Mountain Firewise Committee is to support and encourage activities which reduce hazardous fire fuel loads in our community. In all cases we want to preserve the natural beauty of Gold Mountain while taking prudent steps to reduce the risk of devastating wildfire damage.
2022 Nakoma Community Firewise Certificate
The GMCS is pleased to announce that we successfully renewed our Firewise USA certification for the Nakoma Community. Thank you to all community members that reported your personal time and expenses to keep us Firewise and Fire Safe. This certification is very important in recognizing the communty's efforts and may help in reducing your homeowner's insurance with certain carriers. You can down load a copy of the certificate at the following link:
Nakoma Community 2022 Certificate.pdfJuly 13 FireWise Meeting Recording:
To access the meeting recording, please click on the following link:
Access Passcode: 1sq21=+.
Priority Gold Mountain community goals for wildfire safety are:
1. Public and firefighter safety
2. Protection of developed resources such as homes and infrastructure
3. Protection of natural resources such as watersheds, mature tree stands, views, and habitats

The Gold Mountain Firewise Committee is a joint committee of the HOA and CSD and is comprised of community volunteers who collaborate with local, state and federal fire officials to identify and to support implementation of sound fire safe programs that are focused on community member safety and wildfire resiliency programs.
Gold Mountain is one of approximately 1,000 communities across the country that is recognized as a Firewise Communities USA designated community.
Firewise Resources
- Firewise Communities / USAFirewise Communities USA / Recognition Program
- CAL FIRE’s Wildfire Is Coming. Are You Ready?
- Plumas County Fire Safe Council
- County of Plumas Fire PreparednessPlumas County Wildfire Evacuation and Prevention Plan